Swampscott Officials Work To Remove Deceased Whale From Beach

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

SWAMPSCOTT, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Officials in Swampscott are working to remove a deceased whale from a beach for the second time.  

Espresso, the deceased humpback whale was initially taken 55 miles out to sea after washing ashore weeks ago, but that was not the last sighting of the animal.  

“They brought him out 55 miles and he came back,” Swampscott’s Director of Public Works Gino Cresta said, adding that's not sure how the Whale turned up back on the shore again.

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Cresta said he was also shocked at the number of people who were bringing their families and kids to the beach to touch the decomposing whale.

“Nobody should be touching this! They wanted me to cordon off the area, but I couldn’t because the tide [would] come up and take everything away,” Cresta added.  

He advises that people stay at least 150 feet away from the female humpback whale and keep a safe distance because of health concerns related to coming in close contact with the deceased animal. 

 “It is sad to look at and see something that big and majestic... it’s just sad but, I guess we all go through that cycle of life,” Mike, a local onlooker, said.

Town officials hope that their second attempt to remove Espresso will be the last.  

WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports. 

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