City Councilor Andrea Campbell Subpoenas Boston Police Department

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Boston City Councilor and mayoral candidate Andrea Campbell has subpoenaed the Boston Police Department following allegations a Boston Police officer attended the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. She is also aiming to increase accountability and transparency at the department.

Campbell filed an official order requesting more information earlier this week. The City Council voted to advance her order at a City Council meeting Wednesday.

“We have to do a lot more in the city of Boston to ensure that our department is more transparent, more accountable, more diverse, and more equitable,” Campbell said.

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At a City Council hearing on police accountability, no one from the police or the administration showed up in person before the council to answer questions.

Campbell said that transparency and accountability is important for every department, but “the police department can take lives.”

She said she understands reforms don’t happen overnight, but “we’ve all seen footage from the body cameras at a recent protest, of course, last year where there was some troubling behavior by officers. So it tells me, and I think everyone else, this has to be made a priority and that we cannot wait 10 years for this department to be transparent and accountable. It must be done immediately.”

Boston Police have declined to comment citing an ongoing investigation.

WBZ NewsRadio's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports

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(Photo: Mario Jarjour/WBZ NewsRadio)

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