Gov. Baker On How Senate Can Regain Trust After Rosenberg Resignation

BOSTON (WBZ-AM) -- Monday marked the first day in nearly 30 years that Stan Rosenberg hasn't been a member of the Massachusetts Senate.

The 68-year-old resigned his seat on Friday, after a scathing ethics investigation found he failed to protect the Senate from his husband, Bryon Hefner, who faces sexual assault charges.

Acting Senate President Harriette Chandler has vowed to win the public's trust back. WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Kim Tunnicliffe caught up with Gov. Charlie Baker Monday to ask just how they should go about doing that.

"Number one, they need to take a look at their rules, because if the former Senate President didn't violate the rules, then the rules certainly need to be looked at," he said. "Especially given some of the issues concerning Bryon Hefner."

Gov. Baker said the second point of action should be getting things done before the current legislative session ends. Baker said there are important bills now before the senate.

"Big environmental bond bill to do resiliency work, which after the four nor'easters we had this year, is pretty clearly something we should do more of," he said. "We have the Care Act, which is round two on how to chase this opioid addiction issue, and we have a bill to help us create 135,000 units of new housing over the next five years."

"Get some stuff done," he said. "The session's coming to an end here."

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Kim Tunnicliffe reports

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