Salem State Students Tie Knots And Get Outdoors In Fly Fishing Class

Photo: Courtesy of Salem State University Lecturer Craig Andree

SALEM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Tie the fly, cast the line, crank the reel. Tie the fly, cast the line, crank the reel. Tie the fly, cast the line, battle a snag, crank the reel.

That wax on, wax off ritual makes up one part of the curriculum in a fly fishing class at Salem State University.

Sport and Movement Science Department Chairperson Chris Schoen said the course uses the sport to teach about the climate and water systems.

Students often stay on campus, so they need to make the best of what they have at their disposal to practice the intricate movements.

"In this case, we're practicing in our ice rink," Schoen said. "And that's where they get to practice their actual casting."

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Lecturer Craig Andree founded the semester-long class last year.

It culminates in two fly fishing field trips to local ponds.

WBZ NewsRadio's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) reports.

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