Presidential Race A Close Call In Some Massachusetts Towns

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — After a deeper dive into the preliminary voting numbers in Massachusetts, it appears at least two communities have a one vote difference when it comes to the presidential candidates.

In Sutton, President Trump got 3,041 votes, losing by a single vote to Joe Biden's 3,042. And in Webster, former Vice President Biden got 4,003 votes, while there were 4,002 votes for President Trump.

A few other towns also had close calls in the presidential race. With a total of 1,524 votes for Biden in Barre, Mass., the Democratic candidate beat Trump by a slim margin of four votes.

Florida, Mass. was split by six votes, with 209 residents voting for Biden and 203 voting for Trump. And West Brookfield gave Biden a ten-point lead with 1,137 votes to Trump's 1,127.

With more than 98 percent of Massachusetts precincts reporting results Wednesday afternoon, Joe Biden had gained nearly 66 percent of the state's votes for president.

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(Photo: Getty Images)

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