Baby Shower For Military Moms Held At Gillette Stadium

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating and honoring military families joined forces with the Patriots Foundation Monday, holding a group baby shower for 30 mothers and mothers-to-be from active military families at Gillette Stadium.

Operation Shower puts on baby showers across the country, giving back to those who defend our freedoms. The organization seeks to give them a day without stress, as a family, alongside similar families.

The day included a catered meal at the Putnam Club for moms, dads, and children, giveaways, and prizes.

"I'm excited, I'm happy," one mother at the event told WBZ NewsRadio's Chris Fama. "I wanna say thank you to whoever thought of this creation, because it really helps us military moms."

There was even a surprise visit by Patriots owner Bob Kraft.

"I hope we're creating 30 new Patriots fans," he said.

WBZ NewsRadio's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports

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