FDA Issues Warning On Scallops Illegally Harvested In Northern Mass.

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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning several states about illegally harvested scallops.

The FDA issued a warning to seafood businesses in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois for certain whole, live scallops that were received from an unlicensed harvester. The scallops, which were harvested in prohibited waters, could be contaminated.

The FDA said they were contacted by Intershell International Corporation, a Gloucester-based seafood distributor, after they learned about the illegal harvesting in waters off the northern coast of Mass. They said the scallops in question were incorrectly labeled with the harvest location “FED 514” and harvested on Dec. 26 and 27, 2023 and Jan. 1, 2024.

Seafood businesses across the five states have been contacted and the FDA has launched an investigation. The FDA also said it is possible that the scallops were distributed to other states.

The unlicensed harvester has not been named.

WBZ's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports.

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