Boston Public Schools Announces Finalists For New Superintendent

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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Boston Public Schools has named the two finalists for its vacant Superintendent position.

Somerville Public Schools Superintendent Mary Skipper and BPS Region 1 Superintendent Tommy Welch were both named as finalists to replace out-going superintendent Brenda Cassellius. Skipper will have a public interview on Thursday, June 23 and Welch will have one on Friday, June 24.

“I’m excited to be at this final stage in our search process and so grateful to the Search Committee for leading a robust process that yielded a strong, diverse pool of candidates with a wide range of lived and professional experiences," Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said in a statement.

Skipper has been the superintendent in Somerville for the last seven years and previously worked for BPS as the Network Superintendent of High Schools. While working with BPS, Skipper oversaw 34 high schools and 19,500 students and help found TechBoston Academy in Dorchester.

Welch joined BPS in 2015 and oversees 15 schools in Charlestown, East Boston, and the North End as the Region 1 Superintendent. Prior to joining BPS, he worked as the principal at a middle and high school in South Central Los Angeles.

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Each of the two public interviews will be conducted over Zoom and will feature panel interviews with community partners, educators, school leaders, students, and families along with questions from the Zoom Q&A function. Following the panel interviews, the Boston School Committee with interview each candidate.

The committee will meet again on Wednesday, June 29 to vote on which candidate to offer the position. The school committee also announced that Deputy Superintendent of Academics Drew Echelson will be Acting Superintendent for the summer after Cassellius departs and serve in that role up until the new superintendent starts the job.

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