Boston Marathon Daffodils Go To Healthcare Workers

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — There are typically 5,000 potted flowers sitting along the route of the Boston Marathon. With the race canceled this year due to COVID-19, those daffodils are instead being dedicated to Boston's healthcare workers.

Matthew Piscitelli of Boston Marathon Daffodils told WBZ NewsRadio the flowers are now lining the entrances to the city's healthcare facilities as a way to say thanks to those on the front lines.

"We sent 3,500 pots into the city this morning, to send to all the hospitals," said Piscitelli. "We really need signs of hope, signs of Spring, signs that life is going to go on, and the natural cycle is going to happen again."

Each potted plant also has a note of gratitude for every health care worker who chooses to pick one up, which read: 'Thank You for your dedication and selfless service.'

"We're all going to get through this," said Piscitelli. "It's a scary time, but I know that we're all going to persevere. Bostonians are tough."

WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasWBZ) reports:

(Photo: JamesRojasWBZ/Twitter)

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