Boston Independent Film Festival Kicks Off In Somerville

Photo: Carl Stevens/WBZ NewsRadio

SOMERVILLE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — You may have found droves of Boston movie lovers on Wednesday night at the premiere of the Boston Independent Film Festival.  

There was a large line of people waiting in line outside the 900-seat Somerville Theater waiting to see the festival's debut film. The event attracts those who love cinema and the art of independent filmmaking.  

“There is a diverse array of films, and I also think that it is an opportunity, and I also think that it is a great time to hear from the filmmakers themselves,” said an attendee of the festival.  

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The festival has attracted various filmmakers from around the world who have discovered that their unique voices are represented here.  

“We show narratives, we show documentaries, and we try to have something for everybody,” said Brian Tamm, the Executive Director of the festival.  

The Boston Independent Film Festival, which takes place at the Somerville, Brattle, and Coolidge Corner theaters runs until May 8.  

WBZ NewsRadio's Carl Stevens (@CarlWBZ) reports. 

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