Group Of Unprepared Hikers Rescued In White Mountains Over Weekend

Photo: Mike Templeton/WBZ NewsRadio

LINCOLN, N.H. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A group of hikers in New Hampshire’s White Mountains required rescue around 9 p.m. on Saturday night after being unprepared for the cold weather conditions on the mountain.  

The group was approximately 3 miles from the Liberty Springs Trailhead at the Franconia Notch State Park Bike Path and were descending the Flume Slide Trail but could not continue because of their lack of proper lighting and equipment. A rescue was required because of the cold temperatures and the unprepared state of the hikers.  

See Also: Travel Is Expected To Reach Record Highs For Memorial Day Weekend

Conservation Officers had reached the group at around 11:35 p.m. and reached the Bike Path at 1:50 a.m. Sunday morning. The hikers were then taken to their vehicle at the Liberty Springs Parking Lot.  

In the wake of this incident, the New Hampshire Fish & Game reminds hikers to always be adequately prepared with proper equipment, supplies, clothing, and knowledge of the trails. Hikers are also reminded to have safe “bailout” plans if they get into trouble and to stay informed about current weather conditions.  

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